Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I am totally new to this concept of blogging.And actually I fail to understand the whole logic or mindset behind this, what shall I call it,activity? What does anyone who blogs have in his mind when he or she is writing?For that matter,what do I have in mind when I'm writing?That people across the globe will read how some tamanna,a mere bubble in the face of eternity,spends her day?Or that what I think or feel matters?

And what do the innumerable people who read and post their comments regularly
on someone's blog think?I mean this is a very popular medium. And for every person who writes,there have to be as many who read.Why would anyone bother to read what I have to say?My word is hardly an authority on anything.

But the never ending popularity of blogging makes me want to explore the hitherto unchartered territory. What I'll be writing about,I'm not clear at this point of time...my convoluted thoughts,ramblings of my mind,review books,movies or reflections on existential dilemmas...perhaps and perhaps more channels will open up as I go along.

And I do hope that someone will read it someday without my having to force them at gun point to do so...

So be ready all ye out there for here I am..

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